Proofed Results for Precision Tipsters - Silver Lay Selections

Month by Month Breakdown of Proofed Results Based on 1 Point Level Stakes

February 20251994.719.001.38
January 20256291.962.003.12
Total for 20258192.681.04.50
December 20244379.143.00-3.89
November 20244582.245.00-2.68
October 20244689.146.000.59
September 20243390.933.001.67
August 20244283.342.00-1.82
July 20245090.050.001.38
June 20244390.743.000.88
May 20245078.050.00-5.56
April 20244885.448.00-1.92
March 20244288.142.000.58
February 20244595.645.003.84
January 20245092.050.002.45
Total for 202453787.0537.0-4.48
December 20234593.345.003.96
November 20234891.748.002.35
October 20234879.248.00-4.82
September 20235190.251.002.02
August 20235496.354.006.04
July 20237275.072.00-10.01
June 20237584.075.00-2.70
May 20237290.372.001.73
April 20237191.571.005.01
March 20237291.772.005.70
February 20233979.539.00-2.90
January 20235875.958.00-7.37
Total for 202370586.5705.0-0.99
December 20225782.557.00-3.19
November 20225988.159.00-0.25
October 20225685.756.00-2.11
September 20225488.954.000.69
August 20225986.459.00-0.73
July 20225986.459.00-0.89
June 20227279.272.00-8.25
May 20227295.872.005.94
April 20227688.276.00-0.83
March 20228779.387.00-9.36
February 20226093.360.003.63
January 20227983.579.00-5.12
Total for 202279086.2790.0-20.47
December 20216788.167.000.03
November 20217486.574.00-0.56
October 20216186.961.00-1.32
September 20215689.356.00-0.35
August 20216291.962.002.08
July 20214989.849.00-0.17
June 20215180.451.00-5.74
May 20214295.242.002.44
April 20215286.552.00-2.22
March 20214495.544.003.17
February 20213878.938.00-4.57
January 20214085.040.00-1.94
Total for 202163687.9636.0-9.15
December 20203393.933.001.83
November 20205887.958.00-1.01
October 20203183.931.00-2.48
September 20203284.432.00-2.82
August 20206786.667.00-3.49
July 20205993.259.001.80
June 20203193.531.000.97
Total for 202031189.1311.0-5.20
November 20193984.639.00-2.31
October 20196191.861.000.50
September 20198491.784.001.46
August 20195991.559.000.46
July 20196789.667.00-1.18
June 20198100.08.000.58
Total for 201931890.6318.0-0.49

Bets = Number of selections provided
SR% = Percentage Success Rate. i.e. number of profitable selections / number of selections
Staked = Total amount risked on selections, based on amounts entered by the tipster (e.g. a 10 point bet placed at odds of 4/1 would be a stake of 40 points as that is the amount you'd lose if the selection won the race).
Profit = Total points profit/loss. For 2008 onwards Betfair Starting Prices are used. For years prior to that, odds of 15% above SP are used. The figures assume a commission rate of 5% on all winning bets. This is an upper amount and will reduce the more bets you place with Betfair. You can see the effect of varying the assumed commission % by looking at the Full Proofed Results (see link above).


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Services can be classed as linked for a number of reasons. It can be selections are provided from the same web site, or a different web site registered to the same person. Sometimes it's because more than one service is proofed by a web company that provide white lable tipster sites. Linked services may still be proofing selections or maybe a previous service that no longer actively proofs.